Sunday, August 11, 2013

Chris Brown charged with Hit and Run

while the Los Angeles city attorney filed charges of hit-and-run including driving without a license
Chris Brown talked about the incident on twitter like so:

"I have a valid drivers license and I gave the woman the right info. She saw cameras and wanted to make a scene."

She contacted the cops thinking of a payday from Chris Brown when I followed the proper procedures."

"My lawyers will be contacting you. I will not stand for this bullying and yellow journalism!"

"I work my ass off to provide for my entire family. I've made mistakes in the past and have worked hard to be a better person. "

"19-24 years of age. I don't have all the answers and you can't show me a person that age who has it figured out. We live and grow. Let me live"

Seems like the false allegations according to Chris Brown sure did tick him off,
this is also the reason why reporters state that Chris had a seizure due to legal issues however a close source says that he just fainted and seconds later Chris Brown himself claimed to be fine and he didn't go to see any doctor

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